Sunday, October 7, 2007

Godspeed Rick and Faye

Our friends are leaving tomorrow for Africa on a journey to Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan with another couple from our home church Imago Dei the Tyson's. As they head out on their mission we want to make sure we are all praying for their journey and what God has in store for them in this far away land.

I was reflecting today on what Jeff shared with our congregation this morning on why he and his wife have chosen to go to Africa. His first response was that Jeff, Michelle, Rick, and Faye are going to Africa out of love and in so they are modeling what Christ modeled for us. God loved us so much that he sent his only son to die that we might have everylasting life here on earth. The calling that we all have as God's children is to love first and model our love after the love that Jesus himself shared with the earth. To care for the folks in the margins of life and the least of these. We will be praying for Rick and Faye and for the Tyson's as they embark on a new journey and a place that does not have a lot of hope. Our prayer is that God will be the hope and the rebuilding of community in this war torn country.

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