Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Imago Appreciation Night

This is coming out a bit late but a few weeks ago Melissa, Tamara, and myself all went to the Imago Dei Apprciation night downtown for the community group leaders and volunteer staff at our church. We got dressed up to the nines and had a night on the town that started with a beautiful dinner provided by Imago. We danced a little, ate a lot, and enjoyed the program that Imago put on. God has truly blessed our church and you can see His works in so many lives that we fellowship with. The transformation that happens when you let God take control is amazing and it is a humbling experience to see that work itself out in our lives.

After the appreciation dinner we went out for a drink at El Gaucho's in the Benson Hotel. We figured we were dressed to the nines and we needed to go to a classy spot. I will say their drinks are a bit overpriced, but live spanish guitar is tuff to beat on a saturday night =)


M & N's

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