Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hood 2 Coast

Last weekend I ran Hood 2 Coast - the largest relay race in the world. We call it "The Mother of All Relay's" here in the NW. It is a 197 mile relay race starting at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood and running all the way to Seaside on the coast of Oregon. You have two vans with 6 runners in each van. All six runners run a leg and then you pass off to the second van and they run six legs. You repeat this process three times and before you know it, you are at the coast and celebrating with all the teams on the beach.

I ran with a team from work "GOFARGO" - I was not invloved in making the name but was involved in running 20 miles of the distance. Our team was comprised of mostly all Wells Fargo folks. We did have a handful of friends and replacements that we're not bank employees. The race was a success and our team had lot's of fun.

I was in van 2 this year. In years past I have run Hood 2 Coast I was always in van 1, so this was a new and exciting twist. I look forward to next year on this team or another one. This has to be one of the best races that our great state of Oregon offers. There was over 1,000 teams this year in Hood 2 Coast. Unfortunately a young woman was hit by a car this year and we all should be praying for her. She was only 18 and was badly injured by the accident. Please pray for a quick and easy recovery for her.

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