Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Proud To Be An American

In all my 29 years I can't recall a time in my life when our country had as many issues that we face and yet still be optimistic because change is coming. I have to admit that Obama has captured my attention and I am excited for what he is doing. His speech today was captivating, the benediction was heart warming, and I as a citizen of this great nation am ready to roll up my sleeves and become part of the solution rather than complaining about it. We live in the greatest nation in the world, with the brightest minds, the best ideas, the environment to make our dreams a reality, and now - nothing standing in our way. Let's unite and get behind our President, for we face grave threats and it will take all of us to work together for change to truly happen.

As Dr. Lowery so eloquently put it today -

"And in the joy of a new beginning - we ask you to help us work for that day"
When black will not be asked to get back
When brown can stick around
When yella will be mella
When the red man can get ahead man
and when White would embrace what is right

Let all those who do justice and love mercy say AMEN



1 comment:

gs thorne said...

This prayer was amazing!! I hope it is remembered.